Cementary Vase V25

Code: V25-14/25
Material: Nero Asoluto - černá
Weight: 3,5 kg
Proportion: Ø cca 14 cm, H cca 25 cm

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  • In stock: Ano
  • Delivery time: 7 dní

97,8 EUR 80,8 EUR w/o VAT

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If you have any special requirements don’t hesite to contact us: +420 516 474 808, mg@metalgranit.cz


The vase is equiped with plastic insert for easy changing of water.
There is a drain drilled into the side of the vase. This allows water to flow out in order to prevent damage caused by freeze. The drain has to be maintained clean and accessible.
The vase is mounted to the pedestal by bonding cement on perimeter.

We will willingly satisfy your demands on material. Contact us please.

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